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Co-Living Property

SMSF CoLiving Investment Properties
Co Living Homes

Why invest in Co-Living property?

“Thinking of investing in a Residential Property and want both Capital Growth Potential plus above market Renal Yields?”

Coliving homes offer you the investor both capital growth and above market rentals, as they are well underpinned by choice of location, designed to look and feel just like the new home next door, include a bathroom en-suite for each tenant (adding value to your investment). Built to the same level and quality as the new home next door – all fundamentals required to underpin and grow your investment.

Co-Living property can be a Positive Income Property Investment for you.

PLUS Co-Living homes give you the investor the opportunity to maximise your Return on Investment, based on each tenant paying their own rent, which when combined equates to around 7% to 9% yields. Your tenants are prepared to pay more to live in a co-living property.

Now you have every opportunity of expanding your investment property portfolio, with an investment property which has capital growth potential and one that is significantly *cash flow positive in your hands.

It is what you do with the ‘extra’ income earned from being cash flow positive, where you can then further compound and maximise your return on investment when effectively investing these dollars.

Co-Living is the end of Urban Loneliness!

Positive Income Properties

What is Co-Living property?

Co-Living Property is a new style of housing in Australia, which provides residents with convenient living and purpose built with a blend of private and shared spaces, catering for both privacy, and when required socialising with others.

Residents get their own lockable private bedroom, in a furnished home, with shared common areas and their own en-suite bathrooms. A growing trend in Australia and a wonderful solution to affordable living in the ‘burbs, ideally suited to young upwardly mobile professionals and or retirees who do not want to live in an apartment or live alone.

Rental managers specialising in this space look to place like minded people to live, work and play together, in well designed purpose built homes, where each tenant has their own bedrooms, bathrooms and lock up storage facilities, and of course access to the common areas and outdoor space.

Co-Living homes offer your tenants quality affordable accommodations, communal and own space, a garden, the company of others and are fully furnished homes in and amongst their communities.

A unique concept offering Singles, Seniors, Families and Investors the opportunity to own or co-own a purpose built designer home.

Do you now also identify the investment potential of a co-living home?

High Yield Investment Property

Supply and Demand for shared Housing

The demand for Co-Living homes is growing, and being so new to Australia, the supply remains very low, unable to meet the growing needs of a very large demographic. Less than 10% of advertised shared accommodation, meets the needs of those looking to share, according to recent research. Most existing dwellings lack what tenants are really wanting.

Market research demonstrates that people who rent require : a private bathroom, lockable pantry, fully furnished homes, individual air cooling/heating, homes over apartment living, co-living over shared houses and communes, just check out the demand on websites such as A growth niche.

Tenants seeking out coliving homes are prepared to move out to a different suburb, and are willing to pay more to live the life they want and deserve for themselves.

Supporting Partners for Co-Living Homes in Australia
providing Tenant Ready, Purpose Built Homes
to cater for a demographic looking to co-rent a furnished house,
in locations with low supply and strong demand …
your investment opportunity!

Co-Living Property explained
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